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3 Bold Steps

Today’s children and youth face many challenging issues. Our belief, based on more than a decade of experience, is that working in partnership is key to making real and lasting change. The 3 Bold Steps—Partner-Plan-Act—a collaborative and easy-to-understand three-step process, offers proven strategies for creating safe schools and healthy communities. Through skill-building activities, interactive tools, and real-life examples, you and your community partners can work together to prevent and address complex problems, such as bullying and substance abuse, and to promote mental health and early social emotional learning.
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PAX Good Behavior Game

With the PAX Good Behavior Game, students are active participants in creating a classroom environment where they thrive. Children learn how to self-regulate their behavior—resulting in fewer classroom disruptions and peaceful, productive, healthy, and happy students. If you’re new to PAX, this site will tell you all you need to know about what it is and how to get started. If you already use PAX, the site provides video-based professional development and a portal for you to connect with other PAX users, share your experiences, and develop new skills.
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Positive School Discipline 

Keeping students in school and engaged in the classroom is key to academic success. However, the use of punitive discipline practices that rely on suspension, expulsion, and other harsh consequences—often applied disproportionately to minority students—undermine the goal of success for all. With Positive School Discipline (PSD), you can promote positive behavior while creating a learning environment where all students feel safe and supported—not excluded. Here, you can learn about the benefits of PSD and explore key resources, including an online course based on actual experiences from school districts. Throughout the online course, you’ll have opportunities to apply the principles of PSD to a real-world example—and in the process learn how to bring a community together to create a climate where students can thrive both academically and socially.
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Information Sharing 

When children and youth are involved in several systems at once—such as school, child welfare, mental health, and/or juvenile justice—it’s important that the professionals who work in these systems are able to share information. For example: What challenges are individual children and youth facing? How are they being served? What are the next steps for their care? When professionals work together to answer these questions and understand how federal privacy and confidentiality laws apply, essential services that at-risk young people require in order to stay on track are more likely to be identified and provided. Here, using real-life examples, skill-building modules, and scenario-based activities, you’ll learn how to share sensitive information—lawfully—so that children and youth in your community get the supports they need to succeed in school and in life.
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Preventing Bullying 

Bullying is a pattern of learned behavior that can be prevented or interrupted when adults and kids work together. When you know how to recognize bullying—and how to prevent it—you can make a difference in the lives of children and youth in your community. Whether you are a concerned parent, teacher, or community member, here you’ll learn effective strategies for bullying prevention and intervention, from early childhood through high school. A collection of real stories from communities across the country and multimedia skill-building scenarios bring these strategies to life—and will inspire you to take action. 

Visit Preventing Bullying